Plan de estudios del curso

    1. Opening Lecture, Meditation and Group Healing of the Third Eye Initiation Retreat

    2. Martial Arts Session 1

    3. BEwell Science Level 1 - Workbook

    4. BeWell science Basic Module 1 - Spanish

    5. BeWell science Basic Module-1.2 - Spanish

    6. BeWell science Basic Module 2 - Spanish

    1. Group Healing and Meet Up (1)

    2. BeWell science Basic Module 3 - Spanish

    3. BeWell science Basic Module - 4 - Spanish

    4. BeWell science Basic Module-5 - Spanish

    5. BeWell science Basic Module-6 & 7 - Spanish

    1. BEwell Science Level 1 - LIVE Facilitation

    2. Martial Arts Session 2

    3. Third Eye Level 1 - Workbook

    4. Third Eye Level 1 - Day 1 - Intro - Spanish

    5. Third Eye Day-1_Module-1 - Spanish

    6. Third Eye Day-1_Module-2 - Spanish_compressed

    1. Group Healing and Meet Up (2)

    2. Third Eye Day-1_Module-3 - Spanish

    3. Third Eye Day-1_Module-4 - Spanish

    4. Third Eye Day-1_Module-5&6 - Spanish

    5. Third Eye Day-1_Module-7&8 - Spanish

    1. Third Eye Level 1 (Part 1) - LIVE Facilitation

    2. Martial Arts Session 3

    3. Third Eye Day-2_Introduction - Spanish

    4. Third Eye Day-2_Module-1 - Spanish

    5. Third Eye Day-2_Module-2 - Spanish

    1. Group Healing and Meet Up (3)

    2. Third Eye Day-2_Module-3 - Spanish

    3. Third Eye Day-2_Module-4 - Spanish

    4. Third Eye Day-2_Module-5 - Spanish

    5. Third Eye Day-2_Module-6 - Spanish

    6. Third Eye Day-2_Module-7 - Spanish

About this course

  • ₱141,250.00
  • 75 lessons
  • 54.5 hours of video content
  • Prepárate

    Prepara tu cuerpo, energía, emociones, mente y conciencia para la construcción, desarrollo y activación de tu Tercer Ojo

  • Formación práctica

    en Ciencias de la Curación, Psicología Esotérica y Ciencias del Alma

  • Sana tu pasado

    elimina los obstáculos de tu vida y potencia tu futuro

¡Aprovecha el Súper Descuento por Reserva Anticipada!

¡Súper reserva anticipada hasta el 8 de marzo de 2025!

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
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