Mastering Your Third Eye Level 2

Safe and systematic construction of your Third Eye mechanism, sushumna and kundalini assembly. Study and understand the cosmic changes bringing new designs in human consciousness, which influence the design of the Third Eye.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Module 1: Culturing Your Physical and Energy Bodies (Part 1)

    3. Module 1: Culturing Your Physical and Energy Bodies (Part 2)

    4. Module 2: Self-Healing and Self-Auditing (Part 1)

    1. Module 2: Self-Healing and Self-Auditing (Part 2)

    2. Module 3: Review of Esoteric Psychology (Part 1)

    3. Module 3: Review of Esoteric Psychology (Part 2)

    4. Module 4: Divine Alchemy Level 1

    5. Module 5 and Module 6: Advanced Breathing Science + Construction of the Third Eye Assembly, Sushumna and Kundalini Seat

    6. Module 7: Cosmic Changes

    7. Module 8: Graphic Presentation of the Esoteric Tools

    8. Module 9: Mastering Your Third Eye Practice

    9. Module 10: Principles and Service: Applying Your Third Eye

    10. Actual Practice

About this course

  • ₱25,000.00
  • 14 lessons
  • 17 hours of video content

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