Esoteric Secrets From Ancient Wisdom Schools (Eso Psych 102)
Prerequisite: Esoteric Psychology 101
In this advanced course, you will learn:
How to learn effectively Esoteric Information and validate inner truth.
The different types of spiritual teachings.
The founding of the Planetary Hierarchy and the Inner Government.
The location and domicile of the Shamballa and the Spiritual Hierarchy.
The functions and departments of the Spiritual Hierarchy.
The organizational chart of the Earth's Planetary Hierarchy.
The nature and path of a disciple.
The difficulties and challenges of disciples and how to counteract them.
The stages of the spiritual path and discipleship.
The aspects, grades and requirements of the 8 spiritual initiations.
The stages of the Initiation Ceremony.
The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) and their 10 seed groups.
Your Mission and Game Plan.