BEwell Science Intermediate Healing Course

Prerequisite: BEwell Science Basic

Study more advanced methods of BEwell Science and develop as a Coach-Healer. Discover the more advanced functions of the chakras and their 3-layer system plus explore the relationship of the chakras with the organs and systems of the body.

Program Goals and Learning Objectives

1. To study more advanced methods of BEwell Science" and develop as a Coach-Healer.

2. To understand BEwell Science' protocols, their value in improving quality of life and their impact on health imbalances

3. To study the more advanced functions of the chakras and their three layer system (Etheric, Astral and Mental).

4. To explore the relationship of the different chakras with the organs and systems of the body.

5. To study, practice and apply the BEwell Science healing strategy.

6. To study and discuss the technical procedures for healing and managing clients.

7. To practice the intermediate level of BEwell Science and get started with the-job training and certification.

Course curriculum

    1. BWS Intermediate - English workbook

    2. BWS Intermediate - Healing Protocol

    3. Module 1: Empowering the Healer (Part 1)

    4. Module 1: Empowering the Healer (Part 2)

    1. Module 2: BEwell Science: An Overview

    1. Module 3: Human Physical Anatomy and Energy Anatomy: Introduction + Part 1

    2. Module 3: Human Physical Anatomy and Energy Anatomy: Part 2

    1. Module 4: BEwell Science General Healing Strategy (Part 1)

    2. Module 4: BEwell Science General Healing Strategy (Part 2)

    3. Module 4: BEwell Science General Healing Strategy (Part 3)

    1. BEwell Science Intermediate - Module 4 Review and Module 5

About this course

  • ₱19,000.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 13 hours of video content

Request for Access

If you have taken the prerequisite/s for this course, you can now make a request to gain 30-days access to the workshop materials and course modules