BEwell Science

Intermediate Healing Course

Study more advanced methods of BEwell Science and develop as a Coach-Healer. Discover the more advanced functions of the chakras and their 3-layer system plus explore the relationship of the chakras with the organs and systems of the body.

Course curriculum

    1. BWS Intermediate - English workbook

    2. BWS Intermediate - Healing Protocol

    3. Module 1: Empowering the Healer (Part 1)

    4. Module 1: Empowering the Healer (Part 2)

    1. Module 2: BEwell Science: An Overview

    1. Module 3: Human Physical Anatomy and Energy Anatomy: Introduction + Part 1

    2. Module 3: Human Physical Anatomy and Energy Anatomy: Part 2

    1. Module 4: BEwell Science General Healing Strategy (Part 1)

    2. Module 4: BEwell Science General Healing Strategy (Part 2)

    3. Module 4: BEwell Science General Healing Strategy (Part 3)

About this course

  • ₱19,000.00
  • 10 lessons
  • 11 hours of video content

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